Aroma Diamond Facial 799.00

An Aroma Diamond Facial is a premium skincare treatment designed to promote skin health and rejuvenation using products infused with diamond particles and essential oils.


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An Aroma Diamond Facial is a premium skincare treatment designed to promote skin health and rejuvenation using products infused with diamond particles and essential oils. If you’d like to enjoy this luxurious facial in the comfort of your own home, here’s what you can generally expect:

1. Set-Up: The esthetician will arrive at your home with all the necessary equipment, including diamond-infused facial products, essential oils, and any additional items required for the treatment.

2. Cleansing: The esthetician will start the facial by cleansing your skin to remove makeup, dirt, and impurities. Clean skin is essential for the treatment’s effectiveness.

3. Exfoliation: A gentle exfoliant is applied to your skin to remove dead skin cells and promote skin renewal. This step helps prepare your skin for the upcoming treatment.

4. Steam (optional): If you have a facial steamer at home, it may be used to help open up your pores, making it easier to remove impurities and enhance the facial experience.

5. Extraction (if needed): If there are blackheads or whiteheads present, the esthetician may perform a gentle extraction to remove them.

6. Diamond-Infused Mask: A specialized facial mask infused with diamond particles is applied to your skin. Diamonds are believed to have exfoliating and brightening properties, making them a key component of the Aroma Diamond Facial.

7. Massage: A relaxing facial massage using essential oils infused with diamonds is performed. The massage helps improve circulation, relieve tension, and promote relaxation.

8. Serum and Moisturizer Application: Specialized serums and moisturizers containing diamond particles or other beneficial ingredients are applied to your skin to lock in the benefits of the treatment.

9. Aftercare Advice: The esthetician may provide you with aftercare advice, which typically includes avoiding excessive heat, sun exposure, and harsh products on your skin for a period after the treatment.

Enjoying an Aroma Diamond Facial in the comfort of your own home offers convenience, luxury, and a personalized experience.