Galvanic Facial 2,599.00

A Galvanic Facial is a skincare treatment that uses the principles of galvanic current to improve the health and appearance of the skin. Galvanic current is a low-level, direct electric current that has positive and negative poles. The treatment typically involves the use of a specialized machine with positive and negative electrodes.


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A Galvanic Facial is a skincare treatment that uses the principles of galvanic current to improve the health and appearance of the skin. Galvanic current is a low-level, direct electric current that has positive and negative poles. The treatment typically involves the use of a specialized machine with positive and negative electrodes. Here’s an overview of the key steps involved in a Galvanic Facial:

1. Cleansing: The skin is first cleansed to remove any makeup, dirt, and impurities. This step ensures that the galvanic current can effectively penetrate the skin.

2. Ionization: The positive and negative electrodes of the galvanic machine are used in this step. The esthetician or skincare professional may apply a conductive gel or solution to the skin, which helps the current to penetrate. The positive pole is often associated with deep cleansing and may be used to soften and prepare the skin for extractions. The negative pole is associated with nourishing and can enhance the penetration of beneficial skincare products.

3. Desincrustation (Optional): Desincrustation is a process that uses the negative pole to create a soapy, alkaline reaction on the skin. This can help to soften and dislodge impurities, making extractions easier. It’s an optional step and may not be suitable for all skin types.

4. Product Penetration: The galvanic current enhances the penetration of skincare products into the deeper layers of the skin. This allows for better absorption of serums, moisturizers, and other products, maximizing their effectiveness.

5. Rejuvenation: The treatment may include a rejuvenating phase where the positive and negative poles are alternated to stimulate and tone the skin. This can help improve muscle tone, promote circulation, and contribute to a more youthful appearance.

Benefits of Galvanic Facials:

  • Deep cleansing of the skin.
  • Enhanced penetration of skincare products.
  • Improved circulation and oxygenation.
  • Temporary tightening and toning of the skin.
  • Potential reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.