O3+ Bridal Glow 1,799.00

The “O3+ Bridal Glow Facial” is a specialized facial treatment offered by O3+, a skincare and beauty brand. This facial treatment is tailored to help brides achieve a radiant and flawless complexion on their special day. It focuses on prepping the skin to look its best, providing a healthy glow, and ensuring that makeup sits beautifully.


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The “O3+ Bridal Glow Facial” is a specialized facial treatment offered by O3+, a skincare and beauty brand. This facial treatment is tailored to help brides achieve a radiant and flawless complexion on their special day. It focuses on prepping the skin to look its best, providing a healthy glow, and ensuring that makeup sits beautifully.

While the specific steps and products involved in the “O3+ Bridal Glow Facial” may vary, here is a general outline of what you can typically expect:

  1. Cleansing: The facial session begins with a thorough cleansing of the skin to remove dirt, impurities, and makeup residue.
  2. Exfoliation: A gentle exfoliation process helps in removing dead skin cells, revealing a smoother and more radiant complexion.
  3. Steam: Steam is applied to open up the pores, making it easier to remove impurities and prepare the skin for the treatment.
  4. Extraction (if needed): This step involves the careful removal of blackheads and whiteheads.
  5. Face Mask: A specialized mask is applied to address various skin concerns, such as brightening, hydration, or anti-aging, depending on the bride’s specific needs.
  6. Massage: A relaxing facial massage using aromatic oils helps improve circulation, relieve stress, and promote relaxation.
  7. Serum and Moisturizer Application: Specialized serums and moisturizers are applied to lock in the benefits of the treatment and leave the skin looking vibrant and hydrated.
  8. Sunscreen: The session often concludes with the application of sunscreen to protect the skin from UV damage.

The “O3+ Bridal Glow Facial” is designed to make the skin look and feel its best, creating a perfect canvas for bridal makeup. It’s a comprehensive treatment that not only enhances the skin’s natural radiance but also helps address specific skin concerns. For brides-to-be, it’s a popular choice to achieve a glowing and flawless look on their wedding day.