Vlcc Anti Tan Facial 559.00

Having a VLCC Anti Tan Facial service at your home offers the convenience of a specialized skincare treatment designed to reduce tan and brighten your skin, all within the comfort of your own space. This facial is particularly beneficial for those who have experienced sun exposure and want to address issues related to tanning and uneven skin tone.


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Having a VLCC Anti Tan Facial service at your home offers the convenience of a specialized skincare treatment designed to reduce tan and brighten your skin, all within the comfort of your own space. This facial is particularly beneficial for those who have experienced sun exposure and want to address issues related to tanning and uneven skin tone. Here’s what you can generally expect during a VLCC Anti Tan Facial service at your home.

1. Set-Up: The esthetician will arrive at your home with all the necessary equipment, including skincare products formulated to address tan and hyperpigmentation, essential oils, and any additional items required for the treatment.

2. Cleansing: The facial begins with a thorough cleansing to remove makeup, dirt, and impurities from your skin’s surface. Clean skin is essential for the effectiveness of the treatment.

3. Exfoliation: A gentle exfoliant is applied to your skin to remove dead skin cells and impurities, helping to brighten and rejuvenate your complexion.

4. Steam (optional): If you have a facial steamer at home, it may be used to help open up the pores and enhance the exfoliation process.

5. Massage: A relaxing facial massage is performed using products that may contain ingredients known for their skin-brightening properties.

6. Anti Tan Mask Application: A specialized mask aimed at reducing tan and improving skin tone is applied to your face. These masks often contain ingredients like antioxidants, vitamins, and natural skin brighteners.

7. Serum and Moisturizer Application: Specialized serums and moisturizers are applied to lock in the benefits of the treatment and keep your skin hydrated and radiant.

8. Aftercare Advice: The esthetician may provide you with aftercare advice, which may include recommendations for sun protection and maintaining the results of the treatment.

A VLCC Anti Tan Facial is an excellent choice for those looking to address sun-induced tanning, uneven skin tone, and pigmentation issues.